List of works by opus number
For recordings and more information, click the titles.
Op. 1: Duos for Violin and Viola
A. Longfellow Songs:
Op. 5: Works for Cutler May 1953-1956
No. 1: Sonnet for Solo Oboe, Flute and Strings
No. 2: Serenade (“Sketchpad”) for Woodwind Quartet
No. 4: Keyboard Elegy on “Erhalt ‘un, Herr, bei deinem Wert”
Op. 6: Cavalier Lyrics for tenor and piano
Op. 8: Serenade (for String Trio)
2. Tell Me Where
3. I am Gone, Sir
2. When Icicles Hang by the Wall
3. Weep No More, Ladies
2. It Was a Lover and His Lass
3. Under the Greenwood Tree
Op. 11: “Kingdom of the Heart’s Content” for Piano
1. Stick Horses (Prologue)
2. Walk to Monroe Park
3. Charlie Short
4. Tag
5. Monument Avenue
6. Battle Abbey
7. Cycling
8. Sleigh Bells
9. Park Avenue Triangle
10. Goblins
11. Spring
12. West End Farewell
Op. 12: American Songs (1956-58)
1. Words (John Hay)
2. The Dying Lover (Richard Henry Stoddard)
3. The Dark Hills (Edwin Arlington Robinson)
4. Nancibel (Bliss Carman)
5. To a Golden Haired Girl in a Louisiana Town (Vachel Lindsay)
6. (Mysteries) (Emily Dickinson)
7. Terminus (R. W. Emerson)
8. Evening Song (Sydney Lanier)
9. The Runner in the Skies (James Oppenheim)
10. Force (Edward Rowland Sill)
Op. 13: Music for Renée Longy
1. Bagatelle-Preludes for Piano (short modernist exercises) stile moderno
2. Waltz (‘Endless’) (also shortened version)
3. ‘Endless’ Polonaise (also shortened version)
4. Rhapsody for piano
5. Capriccio (Gottschalk) (First version of Op. 14, No. 5)
6. Invention
Op. 14: Six Preludes for Piano (for Virginia Bodman)
1. No. 1 in C
2. No. 2 in f-sharp
3. No. 3 in G
4. No. 4 in F
5. No. 5 “Gottschalk” (Op. 13, No. 5 with fuller texture and a new ending)
6. No. 6
Op. 15: Sonatas
1. Sonata for Violin and Piano
2. Sonata for Viola and Piano in D
Op. 16: Twelve American Pastorals for Chorus (SSA) and Harmonium (Cello Ensemble)
1. Afternoon on a Hill (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
2. On a Dayward Height (Joseph Baber)
3. Valley Song (Carl Sandberg)
4. (Indian Summer) (Emily Dickinson)
5. Wind in the Sunlit Trees (Conrad Aiken)
6. Former Barn Lot (Mark Van Doren)
7. Wild Peaches (Elinor Wylie)
8. A Winter Piece (William Cullen Bryant)
9. Daisies (Bliss Carmen)
10. The Road (John Gould Fletcher)
11. Meadowlarks (Sara Teasdale)
12. The Spice Tree (Vachel Lindsey)
[Possible order for shortened suite: 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 9]
[Arranged for solo voice and piano: 1, 8, 11: See Songbook, Op. 18]
16b: Five American Pastorals (1, 8, 6, 11, 12) arranged in higher key, Soprano and string ensemble (violas/cellos)
Op. 17: Miscellaneous Music
1. Seven Variations and a Fantasia for Piano (for Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco) (Version for 2 pianos, 1996)
2. Suite for Viola and Harp
3. Sonata for Viola and Piano in c
4. Incidental music for ‘Our Town’
5. Alleluia for High Voice(s) and Organ
6. Chorale Prelude (Love Divine) for Treble Voices (or English horn) and Strings
Op. 18: Songbook (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Eldorado (Edgar Allen Poe)
2. The Traveller (Vachel Lindsey)
3. ‘A Boy’s Will’ (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: stanzas 1 & 2 of ‘My Lost Youth’)
4. ‘I will build a house’ (Joseph Baber)
5. In the Train (Sara Teasdale)
6. A Vagabond Song (Bliss Carmen)
7. The First Snow-fall (James Russell Lowell)
8. Wood Song (Sara Teasdale)
9. Afternoon on a Hill (Edna St. Vincent Millay)*
10. A Winter Piece (William Cullen Bryant)*
11. Meadowlarks (Sara Teasdale)*
*solo versions from Op. 16: Twelve American Pastorals
Op. 19: Shakespearean Songs for high voice and piano
1. Full Fathom Five
2. Willow Song
3. Take, O Take Those Lips Away
4. Under the Greenwood Tree
5. Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred*
6. The Master, the Swabber, the Boatswain and I
7. Take, O Take Those Lips Away
8. It Was a Lover and His Lass
9. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
*also an arrangement for chorus SATB, see Op. 9
Op. 20: Organ Preludes on Protestant Hymn Tunes
1 O Worship the King (Lyons) Richard Klausli
2 A Charge To Keep I Have (Boylston) Richard Klausli
3 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Ein’ feste Burg) Richard Klausli
4 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Richard Klausli
5 Abide with Me (Eventide) Richard Klausli
6 The Church’s One Foundation 1 (Aurelia) Richard Klausli
7 Blest Be the Tie that Binds (Dennis S. M.) Richard Klausli
8 Doxology 1 Richard Klausli
9 Love Divine, All Love Excelling (Love Divine) Richard Klausli
10 Fairest Lord Jesus (St. Elizabeth) David Britton
11 My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Olivet) David Britton
12 Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) David Britton
13 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (Bradbury) David Britton
14 The Church’s One Foundation 2 (Aurelia) David Britton
15 Doxology 2 David Britton
16 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (Ellacombe) Paul Wohlgemuth
17 Lead On O King Eternal (Lancashire) (Paul Wohlgemuth)
18 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (St. George’s Windsor) (Paul Wohlgemuth)
Op. 21: 16 Viola Duos
Op. 22: Rhapsody for Viola and Orchestra
Op. 23: Sonata for Violin and Piano
Op. 24: Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello
Op. 25: Trio for Oboe, Viola and Piano
Op. 26: Concerto No. 1 for Viola and String Orchestra
Op. 27: Three Settings of Psalm 8 for Chorus a cappella SATB
Op. 28: Concerto No. 2 for Viola and Orchestra
Op. 29: Songs of Love and Loss for high voice and piano
1. Pity Me Not (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
2. The Net (Sara Teasdale)
3. Men Loved Wholly Beyond Reason (Louise Bogan)
4. [This quiet dust…] (Emily Dickinson)
5. Where No Thoughts Are (Anna Hempstead Branch)
Op. 30: String Quartet
Op. 31: Three Toccatas for Piano
1. No. 1 in A
2. No. 2 in D
3. No. 3 in C
Op. 32: Divertimentos
No. 1 for Viola and Piano ‘Frankenstein’
No. 2 for Flute and Piano
No. 3 for Violin, Cello, and Harpsichord (Piano) ‘Ghost’
No. 4 for String Orchestra
Op. 33: Songbook: (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Go and Catch a Falling Star (John Donne)
2. In Time of ‘The Breaking of Nations’ (Thomas Hardy)
3. The Widow’s Song (Pinkney)
4. Up-Hill (Rossetti)
5. Mnemosyne (Trumbull Stickney)
6. Cradle Song of the Infant Jesus (Old French Noel) for Soprano, Viola and Organ
7. Good and Bad Luck (Hay)
Op. 34: Works for Unaccompanied Strings
1. Partita for Violin Unaccompanied
2. Sonata for Cello Unaccompanied
3. Suite for Viola Unaccompanied (missing)
Op. 35: Viola Works (1967-1970)
1. Suite No. 1 for Viola and Piano
2. Suite No. 2 for Viola and Piano
3. Sonata da chiesa for Viola and Harpsichord
Op. 36: Three Madrigals on Lyrics of Thomas Campion
1. ‘I care not for these ladies’
2. ‘Rose-cheek’d Laura, come’
3. ‘Now winter nights’
Op. 37: ‘Mephisto’ Rhapsody for Violin and Piano
Op. 38: Partita for Keyboard
1. Prelude (Grave/Allegro)
2. Air
3. Gavotte I and II
4. Sarabande
5. Gigue
Op. 39: Fox and Bear: a children’s guide to the orchestra for Narrator and Orchestra
Op. 40: Frankenstein: Opera in 4 acts (Libretto by John Gardner: 1968-76)
40b: Suite from the Opera, Frankenstein
40c: Velma’s Air (Mad Scene) from Frankenstein (Soprano, Strings and Harpsichord)
Op. 41: Five Fantasias on Finnish Folk Songs for Chorus SATB and 2 pianos
1. Kalliole, Kukkulalle
2. Minun, Kultani
3. Lapsuuden Ystavalle
4. Ranalle-Istaja Neito
5. Rukkaset
Op. 42: Rumpelstiltskin: Opera in 2 acts (Libretto by John Gardner)
42b: Suite from the opera, Rumpelstiltskin
Op. 43: Landscapes for Soprano and Nine Cellos (T.S. Eliot)
1. New Hampshire
2. Virginia
3. Usk
4. Rannock, By Glencoe
5. Cape Ann
Op. 44: Missa Brevis for Women’s Chorus and Organ
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Sanctus
4. Beneductus
5. Agnus Dei
Op. 45: Rhapsody for Two Cellos and Orchestra
Op. 46: Symphony No. 1 in e
Op. 47: Six Sinfonias for Piano
No. 1 in g
No. 2 in D
No. 3 in a
No. 4 in f
No. 5 in E-flat
No. 6 in g
Op. 48: Music for St Michael’s
1. ‘As a Father Cares for His Children’ (Psalm 103, 13 etc) for Women’s Chorus (SSA), Solo Violin and Organ
2. ‘Most Glorious Lord of Lyfe’ (Edmund Spenser) for Chorus (SATB) and Organ
3. ‘Bless the Lord, O My Soul’ (Psalm 103, 1, 11 etc) for Chorus (SATB) and Organ
4. Liturgy: Alleluia, Sanctus, Gloria
5. The Lord’s Prayer
Op. 49: Three Fantasias for String Quartet
1. Moderately fast
2. Moderately quick
3. Very slowly
Op. 50: ‘…ere we be young again’ (Robert Louis Stevenson) for high voice and piano
1. Good and Bad Children
2. Looking Forward
3. Whole Duty of Children
4. At the Seaside
5. Singing
6. Rain
7. Where Go the Boats
8. The Swing
9. My Bed is a Boat
10. Envoy
Op. 51: Music in the American Style
1. Count Coleman March for Orchestra
2. Lexington Regulars March for Orchestra
3. Fanfare in the American Style for Orchestra
5. Echo Polka
Op. 52: ‘Samson and the Witch’: opera in one act (libretto by John Gardner)
Op. 53: Songs from Shakespeare
1. “When daisies pied…” from Love’s Labour’s Lost
2. “How should I your true love know…” from Hamlet
3. “Where the Bee Sucks…” from The Tempest
4. “Come unto these yellow sands…” from The Tempest
5. “You spotted snakes…” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
6. “Orpheus with his lute…” from Henry VIII
7. “Who is Sylvia?” from Two Gentlemen of Verona
Op. 54: Requiescat for violin and orchestra in memory of John Gardner
Op. 55: ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ (William Butler Yeats) for high voice and harp
1. The Wild Swans at Coole
2. Brown Penny
3. Maid Quiet
4. First Love
5. Remorse for Intemperate Speech
6. Tom O’ Roughley
7. To a Child Dancing in the Wind
8. Two Years Later
9. When You Are Old
10. The Lake Isle of Innesfree
Op. 56: Songs for School Children (Children’s voices, bells and piano)
1. Some One (Walter de la Mare)
2. How Doth the Lowly Crocodile from Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
3. Ariel’s Song from The Tempest (Shakespeare}
4. Who Has Seen the Wind? (Christina Rossetti)
Op. 57: Songbook (Miscellaneous Uncollected Songs)
1. A Lover Pleads with His Friends for Old Friends (Yeats) for high voice and harp (dropped from the Op. 55 Yeats cycle)
2. Beloved Rivers (Marjorie England)
3. Let ‘O’ Stand for Opera (James Rogers) for vocal quartet (SATB)
4. The Philosopher (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
5. Full Moon (Sara Teasdale)
6. Homecoming (Léonie Adams)
7. ‘And That Is Life’ for Bass and Orchestra (Langston Hughes) (Written for Othello Pumfrey)
Op. 58: ‘Dark of the Moon’ (Sara Teasdale) for mezzo-soprano and piano
1. Winter
2. September Night
3. Wisdom
4. Low Tide
5. ‘She who could bind you’
6. Foreknown
7. At Tintagil
8. The Fountain
9. Epitaph
Op. 59: Symphony No. 2 in D
1. Allegro moderato
2. Andante: Theme and Variations
3. Allegro molto
Op. 60: ‘Shiloh’ and other songs on Civil War Poems by Herman Melville for Tenor, Horn and Piano
1. The Portent
2. Misgivings
3. Malvern Hill
4. Shiloh
Op. 61: Miscellaneous instrumental works
1. Duo No. 1 for Horns
2. Duo No. 2 for Horns
3. Duo No. 3 for Horns
4. The Shepherd’s Calendar, Suite for solo English Horn
5. Trio for flute, viola and cello
6. Movement for flute, viola and cello (abandoned first movement of the above trio)
Op. 62: Miscellaneous piano works
1. Sonata movement in A
2. Sonata movement in A
3. Sonata movement (Rondo)
4. etc.
Op. 63: Heartland: The Runaway Summer: Overture for Orchestra
Op. 64: Steel Town: Capriccio for Chamber Orchestra
Op. 65: Escapade, for flute, bassoon and piano
Op. 66: The Kentucky Suite, for orchestra
1. The Land
2. The Towns
3. Celebrations
Op. 67: St. Louis Suite, for clarinet and piano
Op. 68: Fantasia for String Quartet
Op. 69: Chorale and Variations on ‘Vexilla Regis’
Op. 70: Chorale Prelude on ‘Christ the Fair Glory’
Op. 71: Two Christina Rossetti Songs for soprano and small orchestra
1. Echo
2. The First Spring Day
Op. 72: Two Songs for a Christening for soprano and piano
1. Lullaby, Oh Lullaby (Christina Rossetti)
2. Lessons for a Child (George MacDonald)
Op. 73: Heartland: September Towns
Op. 74: Madrigals from Shakespeare
1. Under the Greenwood Tree
2. How Should I Your True Love Know
3. It Was a Lover and His Lass
4. Willow Song
5. Take, O Take those Lips Away
6. O Mistress Mine
Op. 75: Songbook (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Rejoice, O My Brethren (Philippians)
2. Noemi’s Song
3. Noemi’s Song (above with oboe part added September 2007)
4. Patapan
Op. 76: Incidental Music from “Mother Courage” (Brecht)
Op. 77: Three Songs from E. E. Cummings, for high voice, horn and piano
1. All in green went my love riding
2. …supposing I dreamed this)
3. in Just-
Op. 78: Three Songs in the American Style
1. Full Moon
2. Home-Coming
3. The Philosopher
Op. 79: Serenade for Strings
(This work dates, originally listed as Op. 8, No. 2, from the time of the Sinfonia, Op. 7.)
Op. 80: An American Requiem
Op. 81: Introduction and Allegro for six-part antiphonal cello ensemble
Op. 82: Quartet for Piano and Strings
Op. 83: The Magdalene Songs
1. Artemesia’s Song
2. Pié Jesu
3. A Kentucky Christmas
Op. 84: Robert Burns Collection
1. Lassie wi’ the Lint-White Locks
2. On the Duchess of Gordon’s Reel Dancing
3. Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast
4. Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie
5. The Banks o’ Doon
Op. 85: Two Movements for String Quartet or String Orchestra
Op. 87: ‘Jubilate Deo’ for Tenor Solo and Chorus
Op. 88: ‘On this fearsome morning…’ for Choir (SATB) and Organ
Op. 89: Two Movements Concertante for Oboe and Orchestra
Op. 90: Sonata for Three Cellos and Piano
Op. 91: Album of American Ghosts for Bass and String Orchestra
1. Johnny Appleseed
2. John Paul Jones
3. Lincoln
4. P. T. Barnum
Op. 92: O Frabjous Day
1. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (Edward Lear)
2. The Wind (Christina Rossetti)
3. Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll)
4. 5. 6. Boats Sail on the Rivers/Ferry Me Across the Water/Lullaby, Oh, Lullaby a Garland (Christina Rossetti)
7. As Into the Garden Elizabeth Ran for Tenor, Flute and Piano (A. E. Housman)
Op. 93: Windsongs for Soprano and String Orchestra
1. Lullaby in Winter (Freely adapted from Eugene Field’s Norse Lullaby)
2. ‘The Wind…’ (Emily Dickinson)
3. Hymn to the Sea (adapted from the poem by William Cullen Bryant)
4. Recuerdo (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Op. 94: Suite Concertante for Flute and String Orchestra
Op. 95: Fanfare for The Gaines Center: In Memoriam: Raymond Betts
Op. 99: River of Time: An Opera in 2 Acts
99a Concert Program of Excerpts from Act I
1. Prologue: “Cool Running Waters”: Chorus and Orchestra
2. Nancy Hanks Reads to Young Abe and Sarah: Soprano and Orchestra
3. To Be Free!: “Like a dog tied up all day to a tree…”: Baritone/Orchestra
4. Act I Finale: “There’ll be glory in the mornin’”: Soprano/Bass/Orchestra
Op. 100: Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Op. 105: Bitter Winter: Paraphrases from a forgotten Poet for Guitar and High Voice
Op. 106: Six Humoresques for Cello and Piano
Op. 1: Duos for Violin and Viola
- No. 1 in G
- No. 2 in c: March; Waltz; Hornpipe
- No. 3 in g: Andante; Allegro; Andante; Allegro molto
A. Longfellow Songs:
- It Is Not Always May
- The Aftermath
- Serenade
- The Rainy Day
- The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls
- Snow-Flakes
- The Informing Spirit
- Compensation
- Thine Eyes Still Shined
- Thought
- Terminus
- To Ellen
- Nature
- No. 1 in C minor
- No. 2 in D minor
- No. 3 in A major
- No. 4 in G minor
- No. 5 in C major
- No. 6 in E minor
Op. 5: Works for Cutler May 1953-1956
No. 1: Sonnet for Solo Oboe, Flute and Strings
No. 2: Serenade (“Sketchpad”) for Woodwind Quartet
- Introduction
- Diversion
- Waltz
- Folk-Song Prelude
- Rondo
No. 4: Keyboard Elegy on “Erhalt ‘un, Herr, bei deinem Wert”
Op. 6: Cavalier Lyrics for tenor and piano
- Song (Sedley)
- Why So Pale and Wan (John Suckling)
- Take, O Take Those Lips Away (Shakespeare)
- The Constant Lover (John Suckling)
- To a Lady Asking Him How Long He Would Love Her (George Etherege)
- ‘The seas are quiet’ (Of the Last Verses in the Book) (Edmund Waller)
- To Blossoms (Robert Herrick)
Op. 8: Serenade (for String Trio)
- Allegro; Waltz; Romanza; Scherzo; Rondo
- Set 1:
2. Tell Me Where
3. I am Gone, Sir
- Set 2:
2. When Icicles Hang by the Wall
3. Weep No More, Ladies
- Set 3:
2. It Was a Lover and His Lass
3. Under the Greenwood Tree
Op. 11: “Kingdom of the Heart’s Content” for Piano
1. Stick Horses (Prologue)
2. Walk to Monroe Park
3. Charlie Short
4. Tag
5. Monument Avenue
6. Battle Abbey
7. Cycling
8. Sleigh Bells
9. Park Avenue Triangle
10. Goblins
11. Spring
12. West End Farewell
Op. 12: American Songs (1956-58)
1. Words (John Hay)
2. The Dying Lover (Richard Henry Stoddard)
3. The Dark Hills (Edwin Arlington Robinson)
4. Nancibel (Bliss Carman)
5. To a Golden Haired Girl in a Louisiana Town (Vachel Lindsay)
6. (Mysteries) (Emily Dickinson)
7. Terminus (R. W. Emerson)
8. Evening Song (Sydney Lanier)
9. The Runner in the Skies (James Oppenheim)
10. Force (Edward Rowland Sill)
Op. 13: Music for Renée Longy
1. Bagatelle-Preludes for Piano (short modernist exercises) stile moderno
2. Waltz (‘Endless’) (also shortened version)
3. ‘Endless’ Polonaise (also shortened version)
4. Rhapsody for piano
5. Capriccio (Gottschalk) (First version of Op. 14, No. 5)
6. Invention
Op. 14: Six Preludes for Piano (for Virginia Bodman)
1. No. 1 in C
2. No. 2 in f-sharp
3. No. 3 in G
4. No. 4 in F
5. No. 5 “Gottschalk” (Op. 13, No. 5 with fuller texture and a new ending)
6. No. 6
Op. 15: Sonatas
1. Sonata for Violin and Piano
2. Sonata for Viola and Piano in D
Op. 16: Twelve American Pastorals for Chorus (SSA) and Harmonium (Cello Ensemble)
1. Afternoon on a Hill (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
2. On a Dayward Height (Joseph Baber)
3. Valley Song (Carl Sandberg)
4. (Indian Summer) (Emily Dickinson)
5. Wind in the Sunlit Trees (Conrad Aiken)
6. Former Barn Lot (Mark Van Doren)
7. Wild Peaches (Elinor Wylie)
8. A Winter Piece (William Cullen Bryant)
9. Daisies (Bliss Carmen)
10. The Road (John Gould Fletcher)
11. Meadowlarks (Sara Teasdale)
12. The Spice Tree (Vachel Lindsey)
[Possible order for shortened suite: 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 9]
[Arranged for solo voice and piano: 1, 8, 11: See Songbook, Op. 18]
16b: Five American Pastorals (1, 8, 6, 11, 12) arranged in higher key, Soprano and string ensemble (violas/cellos)
Op. 17: Miscellaneous Music
1. Seven Variations and a Fantasia for Piano (for Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco) (Version for 2 pianos, 1996)
2. Suite for Viola and Harp
3. Sonata for Viola and Piano in c
4. Incidental music for ‘Our Town’
5. Alleluia for High Voice(s) and Organ
6. Chorale Prelude (Love Divine) for Treble Voices (or English horn) and Strings
Op. 18: Songbook (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Eldorado (Edgar Allen Poe)
2. The Traveller (Vachel Lindsey)
3. ‘A Boy’s Will’ (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: stanzas 1 & 2 of ‘My Lost Youth’)
4. ‘I will build a house’ (Joseph Baber)
5. In the Train (Sara Teasdale)
6. A Vagabond Song (Bliss Carmen)
7. The First Snow-fall (James Russell Lowell)
8. Wood Song (Sara Teasdale)
9. Afternoon on a Hill (Edna St. Vincent Millay)*
10. A Winter Piece (William Cullen Bryant)*
11. Meadowlarks (Sara Teasdale)*
*solo versions from Op. 16: Twelve American Pastorals
Op. 19: Shakespearean Songs for high voice and piano
1. Full Fathom Five
2. Willow Song
3. Take, O Take Those Lips Away
4. Under the Greenwood Tree
5. Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred*
6. The Master, the Swabber, the Boatswain and I
7. Take, O Take Those Lips Away
8. It Was a Lover and His Lass
9. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
*also an arrangement for chorus SATB, see Op. 9
Op. 20: Organ Preludes on Protestant Hymn Tunes
1 O Worship the King (Lyons) Richard Klausli
2 A Charge To Keep I Have (Boylston) Richard Klausli
3 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Ein’ feste Burg) Richard Klausli
4 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Richard Klausli
5 Abide with Me (Eventide) Richard Klausli
6 The Church’s One Foundation 1 (Aurelia) Richard Klausli
7 Blest Be the Tie that Binds (Dennis S. M.) Richard Klausli
8 Doxology 1 Richard Klausli
9 Love Divine, All Love Excelling (Love Divine) Richard Klausli
10 Fairest Lord Jesus (St. Elizabeth) David Britton
11 My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Olivet) David Britton
12 Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) David Britton
13 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (Bradbury) David Britton
14 The Church’s One Foundation 2 (Aurelia) David Britton
15 Doxology 2 David Britton
16 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (Ellacombe) Paul Wohlgemuth
17 Lead On O King Eternal (Lancashire) (Paul Wohlgemuth)
18 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (St. George’s Windsor) (Paul Wohlgemuth)
Op. 21: 16 Viola Duos
Op. 22: Rhapsody for Viola and Orchestra
Op. 23: Sonata for Violin and Piano
Op. 24: Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello
Op. 25: Trio for Oboe, Viola and Piano
Op. 26: Concerto No. 1 for Viola and String Orchestra
Op. 27: Three Settings of Psalm 8 for Chorus a cappella SATB
Op. 28: Concerto No. 2 for Viola and Orchestra
Op. 29: Songs of Love and Loss for high voice and piano
1. Pity Me Not (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
2. The Net (Sara Teasdale)
3. Men Loved Wholly Beyond Reason (Louise Bogan)
4. [This quiet dust…] (Emily Dickinson)
5. Where No Thoughts Are (Anna Hempstead Branch)
Op. 30: String Quartet
Op. 31: Three Toccatas for Piano
1. No. 1 in A
2. No. 2 in D
3. No. 3 in C
Op. 32: Divertimentos
No. 1 for Viola and Piano ‘Frankenstein’
No. 2 for Flute and Piano
No. 3 for Violin, Cello, and Harpsichord (Piano) ‘Ghost’
No. 4 for String Orchestra
Op. 33: Songbook: (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Go and Catch a Falling Star (John Donne)
2. In Time of ‘The Breaking of Nations’ (Thomas Hardy)
3. The Widow’s Song (Pinkney)
4. Up-Hill (Rossetti)
5. Mnemosyne (Trumbull Stickney)
6. Cradle Song of the Infant Jesus (Old French Noel) for Soprano, Viola and Organ
7. Good and Bad Luck (Hay)
Op. 34: Works for Unaccompanied Strings
1. Partita for Violin Unaccompanied
2. Sonata for Cello Unaccompanied
3. Suite for Viola Unaccompanied (missing)
Op. 35: Viola Works (1967-1970)
1. Suite No. 1 for Viola and Piano
2. Suite No. 2 for Viola and Piano
3. Sonata da chiesa for Viola and Harpsichord
Op. 36: Three Madrigals on Lyrics of Thomas Campion
1. ‘I care not for these ladies’
2. ‘Rose-cheek’d Laura, come’
3. ‘Now winter nights’
Op. 37: ‘Mephisto’ Rhapsody for Violin and Piano
Op. 38: Partita for Keyboard
1. Prelude (Grave/Allegro)
2. Air
3. Gavotte I and II
4. Sarabande
5. Gigue
Op. 39: Fox and Bear: a children’s guide to the orchestra for Narrator and Orchestra
Op. 40: Frankenstein: Opera in 4 acts (Libretto by John Gardner: 1968-76)
40b: Suite from the Opera, Frankenstein
40c: Velma’s Air (Mad Scene) from Frankenstein (Soprano, Strings and Harpsichord)
Op. 41: Five Fantasias on Finnish Folk Songs for Chorus SATB and 2 pianos
1. Kalliole, Kukkulalle
2. Minun, Kultani
3. Lapsuuden Ystavalle
4. Ranalle-Istaja Neito
5. Rukkaset
Op. 42: Rumpelstiltskin: Opera in 2 acts (Libretto by John Gardner)
42b: Suite from the opera, Rumpelstiltskin
Op. 43: Landscapes for Soprano and Nine Cellos (T.S. Eliot)
1. New Hampshire
2. Virginia
3. Usk
4. Rannock, By Glencoe
5. Cape Ann
Op. 44: Missa Brevis for Women’s Chorus and Organ
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Sanctus
4. Beneductus
5. Agnus Dei
Op. 45: Rhapsody for Two Cellos and Orchestra
Op. 46: Symphony No. 1 in e
Op. 47: Six Sinfonias for Piano
No. 1 in g
No. 2 in D
No. 3 in a
No. 4 in f
No. 5 in E-flat
No. 6 in g
Op. 48: Music for St Michael’s
1. ‘As a Father Cares for His Children’ (Psalm 103, 13 etc) for Women’s Chorus (SSA), Solo Violin and Organ
2. ‘Most Glorious Lord of Lyfe’ (Edmund Spenser) for Chorus (SATB) and Organ
3. ‘Bless the Lord, O My Soul’ (Psalm 103, 1, 11 etc) for Chorus (SATB) and Organ
4. Liturgy: Alleluia, Sanctus, Gloria
5. The Lord’s Prayer
Op. 49: Three Fantasias for String Quartet
1. Moderately fast
2. Moderately quick
3. Very slowly
Op. 50: ‘…ere we be young again’ (Robert Louis Stevenson) for high voice and piano
1. Good and Bad Children
2. Looking Forward
3. Whole Duty of Children
4. At the Seaside
5. Singing
6. Rain
7. Where Go the Boats
8. The Swing
9. My Bed is a Boat
10. Envoy
Op. 51: Music in the American Style
1. Count Coleman March for Orchestra
2. Lexington Regulars March for Orchestra
3. Fanfare in the American Style for Orchestra
5. Echo Polka
Op. 52: ‘Samson and the Witch’: opera in one act (libretto by John Gardner)
Op. 53: Songs from Shakespeare
1. “When daisies pied…” from Love’s Labour’s Lost
2. “How should I your true love know…” from Hamlet
3. “Where the Bee Sucks…” from The Tempest
4. “Come unto these yellow sands…” from The Tempest
5. “You spotted snakes…” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
6. “Orpheus with his lute…” from Henry VIII
7. “Who is Sylvia?” from Two Gentlemen of Verona
Op. 54: Requiescat for violin and orchestra in memory of John Gardner
Op. 55: ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ (William Butler Yeats) for high voice and harp
1. The Wild Swans at Coole
2. Brown Penny
3. Maid Quiet
4. First Love
5. Remorse for Intemperate Speech
6. Tom O’ Roughley
7. To a Child Dancing in the Wind
8. Two Years Later
9. When You Are Old
10. The Lake Isle of Innesfree
Op. 56: Songs for School Children (Children’s voices, bells and piano)
1. Some One (Walter de la Mare)
2. How Doth the Lowly Crocodile from Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
3. Ariel’s Song from The Tempest (Shakespeare}
4. Who Has Seen the Wind? (Christina Rossetti)
Op. 57: Songbook (Miscellaneous Uncollected Songs)
1. A Lover Pleads with His Friends for Old Friends (Yeats) for high voice and harp (dropped from the Op. 55 Yeats cycle)
2. Beloved Rivers (Marjorie England)
3. Let ‘O’ Stand for Opera (James Rogers) for vocal quartet (SATB)
4. The Philosopher (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
5. Full Moon (Sara Teasdale)
6. Homecoming (Léonie Adams)
7. ‘And That Is Life’ for Bass and Orchestra (Langston Hughes) (Written for Othello Pumfrey)
Op. 58: ‘Dark of the Moon’ (Sara Teasdale) for mezzo-soprano and piano
1. Winter
2. September Night
3. Wisdom
4. Low Tide
5. ‘She who could bind you’
6. Foreknown
7. At Tintagil
8. The Fountain
9. Epitaph
Op. 59: Symphony No. 2 in D
1. Allegro moderato
2. Andante: Theme and Variations
3. Allegro molto
Op. 60: ‘Shiloh’ and other songs on Civil War Poems by Herman Melville for Tenor, Horn and Piano
1. The Portent
2. Misgivings
3. Malvern Hill
4. Shiloh
Op. 61: Miscellaneous instrumental works
1. Duo No. 1 for Horns
2. Duo No. 2 for Horns
3. Duo No. 3 for Horns
4. The Shepherd’s Calendar, Suite for solo English Horn
5. Trio for flute, viola and cello
6. Movement for flute, viola and cello (abandoned first movement of the above trio)
Op. 62: Miscellaneous piano works
1. Sonata movement in A
2. Sonata movement in A
3. Sonata movement (Rondo)
4. etc.
Op. 63: Heartland: The Runaway Summer: Overture for Orchestra
Op. 64: Steel Town: Capriccio for Chamber Orchestra
Op. 65: Escapade, for flute, bassoon and piano
Op. 66: The Kentucky Suite, for orchestra
1. The Land
2. The Towns
3. Celebrations
Op. 67: St. Louis Suite, for clarinet and piano
Op. 68: Fantasia for String Quartet
Op. 69: Chorale and Variations on ‘Vexilla Regis’
Op. 70: Chorale Prelude on ‘Christ the Fair Glory’
Op. 71: Two Christina Rossetti Songs for soprano and small orchestra
1. Echo
2. The First Spring Day
Op. 72: Two Songs for a Christening for soprano and piano
1. Lullaby, Oh Lullaby (Christina Rossetti)
2. Lessons for a Child (George MacDonald)
Op. 73: Heartland: September Towns
Op. 74: Madrigals from Shakespeare
1. Under the Greenwood Tree
2. How Should I Your True Love Know
3. It Was a Lover and His Lass
4. Willow Song
5. Take, O Take those Lips Away
6. O Mistress Mine
Op. 75: Songbook (Miscellaneous uncollected songs)
1. Rejoice, O My Brethren (Philippians)
2. Noemi’s Song
3. Noemi’s Song (above with oboe part added September 2007)
4. Patapan
Op. 76: Incidental Music from “Mother Courage” (Brecht)
Op. 77: Three Songs from E. E. Cummings, for high voice, horn and piano
1. All in green went my love riding
2. …supposing I dreamed this)
3. in Just-
Op. 78: Three Songs in the American Style
1. Full Moon
2. Home-Coming
3. The Philosopher
Op. 79: Serenade for Strings
(This work dates, originally listed as Op. 8, No. 2, from the time of the Sinfonia, Op. 7.)
Op. 80: An American Requiem
Op. 81: Introduction and Allegro for six-part antiphonal cello ensemble
Op. 82: Quartet for Piano and Strings
Op. 83: The Magdalene Songs
1. Artemesia’s Song
2. Pié Jesu
3. A Kentucky Christmas
Op. 84: Robert Burns Collection
1. Lassie wi’ the Lint-White Locks
2. On the Duchess of Gordon’s Reel Dancing
3. Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast
4. Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie
5. The Banks o’ Doon
Op. 85: Two Movements for String Quartet or String Orchestra
Op. 87: ‘Jubilate Deo’ for Tenor Solo and Chorus
Op. 88: ‘On this fearsome morning…’ for Choir (SATB) and Organ
Op. 89: Two Movements Concertante for Oboe and Orchestra
Op. 90: Sonata for Three Cellos and Piano
Op. 91: Album of American Ghosts for Bass and String Orchestra
1. Johnny Appleseed
2. John Paul Jones
3. Lincoln
4. P. T. Barnum
Op. 92: O Frabjous Day
1. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (Edward Lear)
2. The Wind (Christina Rossetti)
3. Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll)
4. 5. 6. Boats Sail on the Rivers/Ferry Me Across the Water/Lullaby, Oh, Lullaby a Garland (Christina Rossetti)
7. As Into the Garden Elizabeth Ran for Tenor, Flute and Piano (A. E. Housman)
Op. 93: Windsongs for Soprano and String Orchestra
1. Lullaby in Winter (Freely adapted from Eugene Field’s Norse Lullaby)
2. ‘The Wind…’ (Emily Dickinson)
3. Hymn to the Sea (adapted from the poem by William Cullen Bryant)
4. Recuerdo (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Op. 94: Suite Concertante for Flute and String Orchestra
Op. 95: Fanfare for The Gaines Center: In Memoriam: Raymond Betts
Op. 99: River of Time: An Opera in 2 Acts
99a Concert Program of Excerpts from Act I
1. Prologue: “Cool Running Waters”: Chorus and Orchestra
2. Nancy Hanks Reads to Young Abe and Sarah: Soprano and Orchestra
3. To Be Free!: “Like a dog tied up all day to a tree…”: Baritone/Orchestra
4. Act I Finale: “There’ll be glory in the mornin’”: Soprano/Bass/Orchestra
Op. 100: Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Op. 105: Bitter Winter: Paraphrases from a forgotten Poet for Guitar and High Voice
Op. 106: Six Humoresques for Cello and Piano